Last year Marvel Entertainment announced a truly original project, Runaways. Based on a comic book series by Brian K. Vaughn, Runaways tells the story of a group of teenagers who discover that their parents are part of Pride – a secret organisation of super villains. Unable to cope with, ya know, having evil parents and all, the kids band together and bail in the hope of forming their own, more heroic group.
The story gives us the classic comic book myths with a major plot twist, and it’s something I was looking forward to seeing. Unfortunately I could be waiting a while as the project has now been put on hold. Apparently Marvel have literally got too much going on at the moment what with Thor, Captain America: The First Avenger, The Avengers and now Iron Man 3 to consider. This from Deadline:
Marvel simply has too much going on at the moment and will take its time on the live action adaptation of the comic hatched by Lost writer Brian K. Vaughan. It’s called the Breakfast Club of superhero saga, dealing with the children of super-villains who are cursed with evil superpowers. They live in a secret lair under the La Brea tar pits, and try to use their unusual powers for heroic purposes. Director Peter Sollett, who signed up with the idea this would be his followup to Nick and Nora’s Infinite Playlist, is still attached but has been invited to take another film first.
So this sucks, the first truly original superhero movie in the better part of a decade and it’s put on hold? At least with director Peter Sollett still attached there is some hope that Marvel might be able to kick start the project once Thor and Cap have enjoyed theatrical releases. Here’s hoping!
Source: Deadline.