More Updates On Marvel’s Movie Slate

This past weekend was the New York Comic Con, it’s that “little sister” convention that gets barely any coverage due to the behemoth that is the San Diego Comic Con, and their guest of honor this year was none other than Marvel’s editor-in-chief Joe Quesada. In attendance (luckily for us on this slow news day) was Josh Wigler of Comic Book Resource, and he got some real good stuff!

Speaking during a routine panel, Quesada was asked about the future of Marvel’s movie slate. Of course we already know plenty about Iron Man 2 and we aren’t doing too bad on casting information for Kenneth Branagh’s Thor either – but what about old stars & stripes himself – Captain America?

The First Avenger: Captain America the fourth in Marvel Studios’ tentpole features and should be the final piece of the puzzle before bringing Iron Man, Nick Fury, Thor and Captain America together for The Avengers in 2012, so what did Quesada have to say about our patriotic superhero?

“I’ve seen a couple of outlines and an initial screenplay, and it’s going to rock everyone’s socks off,” he said. “It’s very unexpected, the kind of movie it is.” Quesada added that “Captain America” sets up “The Avengers” in “a fantastic way” and also mentioned that there is an undisclosed wish list of actors to play the star-spangled superhero.

So far so good, Mr. Marvel was also asked by an enthused fan how Marvel’s characters manage to work up on the big screen, I’ll let CBR explain that for themselves:

Back on the subject of film, Quesada was asked if some Marvel characters work better on film than others. He used Blade as an example of a character that works very well on film but not as well in comic books. The same fan asked Quesada if he believed that continuity could truly be established from film to film, prompting the editor-in-chief to identify Marvel Studios’ current lead-up to “The Avengers” as proof that it’s possible. “It won’t be the same exact continuity from the comics, but it’ll feel very much like the Marvel continuity,” he said.

The First Avenger: Captain America is due in theaters in 2011.