Nobody would ever accuse Tom Cruise of being a comedian, let alone the best thing in a comedy starring Ben Stiller, Jack Black, Robert Downey Jnr and Steve Coogan. Okay, Coogan wasn’t at his best, but the others put in fine comedic turns in Tropic Thunder.
Cruise’s ‘playa’ was a fat, bald, foul-mouthed movie tyrant (apparently based on Joel Silver…and so Swimming with Sharks) and between him and Downey Jnr, they elevated the film to beyond entertaining to memorable.
Word on the street, on the QT, on the hush-hush, on the internet via Tom Cruise’s own mouth and an E Online microphone is the Cruiser is working on a full-blown Less Grossman movie. He said thus:
“We’re working on it. Yup, we’re definitely working on it.”
Cruise clearly likes playing against type and Grossman took it to extremes. We all know on a very good day he’s a fantastic actor second to none, but could his shtick sustain an entire ninety-minute plus adventure in Hollyweird?
There’s the fear the only person who’ll end up laughing is Cruise himself. While Grossman is a fine comic creation, it’s probably best to leave it at the Tropic Thunder appearance and the recent MTV outing. That probably won’t happen. Does the world want to see a Les Grossman movie? To be or not to be, that is the question.