Pyscho-Thriller ‘Confessions’ Gets UK Trailer

Who doesn’t love Japanese horror films? Yes, the hype may have died away but the legacy remains. Noted director Tetsuya Nakashima returns to cinema screens early in 2011 with a new psychological horror film entitled Confessions, based on a novel by Kanae Minato.

Confessions has been chosen as Japan’s entry into the 83rd Academy Awards ceremony in the Best Foreign Film category. Surely a sign of its brilliance? Are you prepared for a films of “dark emotions and powered by a savage central performance”? The film also boasts a cool soundtrack featuring Radiohead and currently indie darlings The XX.

Check out the very cool and unusual trailer below and tell me this doesn’t look the bees knees? Confessions will have its UK premiere screening at the Frightfest All-Nighter on 30th October 2010 at London’s Empire Cinema. For further information see the or book tickets at


Takako Matsu (K-20: Legend Of The Mask) stars as Yuko Moriguchi, a middle-school teacher whose four-year-old daughter is found dead. Shattered, she finally returns to her classroom only to become convinced that two of her students were responsible for her daughter’s murder. No one believes her, and she may very well be wrong, but she decides, nevertheless, that it’s time to take her revenge. What happens next is all-out psychological warfare waged against her students in an attempt to force them into confessing what she knows in her heart to be true: they are guilty and must be punished.

New Trailer For Sucker Punch

Sucker Punch character posters
It’s been three months since we first saw a trailer for Zack Snyder’s Sucker Punch, but today is a new day and it bring with it a new trailer from the film, starring Emily Browning, Vanessa Hudgens, Jamie Chung, Abbie Cornish, Jena Malone and Carla Gugino. The film, which has been described as “Alice in Wonderland with machine guns” revolved around Baby Doll (Browning), whose family is torn apart by tragedy and whose evil step father has her locked away in an asylum, facing a lobotomy.

But as Baby Doll comes to the realization that her own sanity is at stake, she finds a way to escape into her minds colorful world, a dark fantasy filled with dragons, warriors, zeppelins, giant robots and much more. Baby Doll is told by a wise old man (Scott Glenn) to go on a quest for five objects in order to finally free herself from these terrible bonds.

The film smacks of the visuals from 300, and promises the action from it also, it doesn’t hit until next Spring, but each trailer we’ve seen shows that Snyder’s latest is bursting with potential. Take a look below and let us know what you think:

Sucker Punch is an epic action fantasy that takes us into the vivid imagination of a young girl whose dream world provides the ultimate escape from her darker reality. Unrestrained by the boundaries of time and place, she is free to go where her mind takes her, and her incredible adventures blur the lines between what’s real and what is imaginary.

She has been locked away against her will, but Baby-doll (Emily Browning) has not lost her will to survive. Determined to fight for her freedom, she urges four other young girls—the outspoken Rocket (Jena Malone), the street-smart Blondie (Vanessa Hudgens), the fiercely loyal Amber (Jamie Chung) and the reluctant Sweet Pea (Abbie Cornish)—to band together and try to escape their terrible fate at the hands of their captors, Blue (Oscar Isaac), Madam Gorski (Carla Gugino) and the High Roller (Jon Hamm).

Led by Baby-doll, the girls engage in fantastical warfare against everything from samurais to serpents, with a virtual arsenal at their disposal. Together, they must decide what they are willing to sacrifice in order to stay alive. But with the help of a Wise Man (Scott Glenn), their unbelievable journey—if they succeed—will set them free.

Source: Apple.

Uncut Print of Clive Barker’s Nightbreed To Be Screened

An old English teacher of mine went to school with Clive Barker and he let everybody know it: every single class. Barker is a strange talent. Ostensibly a writer, he has worked very closely in film down the years, beginning with his classic Hellraiser film. For his second effort, he got the “studio interference” treatment which left Nightbreed a big mess. It starred David Cronenberg as a serial killing psychotherapist with a scary mask. So it’s still watchable and unique!

Film fans get excited when news of “discovered” prints get announced. Just last year, Fritz Lang’s seminal sci-fi epic, Metropolis, was found in its “director’s cut” in an archive in Argentina. It’s getting a full outing this year. The holy grail still remains the Lon Chaney and Tod Browning’s London After Midnight, a film in which only still images exist. It’s a sad fact, but over 60 per cent of films made before 1950 are lost. Not even film achieves immortal, it seems.

Shock Till You Drop have put out the great news that an uncut work print of Nightbreed has been found. For horror fans in general, this is tantalizing news, but let’s hope they’ve given it a clean first, so the quality doesn’t suffer.

Nightbreed is an adaptation of Barker’s own novel Cabal and sees a disturbed young man enter the fantastic and very violent world known as Midian. There he transforms into a monster and seeks his revenge on the psychotherapist who framed him for the murders.

It is a film rich in bizarre visuals and creatures. Of course, Nightbreed will always be an acquired taste. But Clive Barker’s original vision deserves to be shown, does it not? Let’s hope it gets put out on DVD and Blu-ray faster than you can say, hell-bound heart!

The 145 minutes cut is having a screening next month at the Horrorhound convention. Check out the advertising trailer below.